The Versatile Blogger Award

I was nominated by A Frolic Through Fiction so thank you so much!

versatile_blogger_award-kopie1  Rules:

  • Show the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person that has nominated you. (Thanks again Ashleigh!!)
  • Share 7 different facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 blogs of your choice.
  • Link your nominees & let them know of your nomination.

Seven Facts About me:

  1. I’m in love The Walking Dead T.V. series but I have not read the comic books, mostly because they are too expensive!
  2. I am not a fan of Christmas music of movies. I don’t really know why but I never have really enjoyed them and they all feel really repetitive to me.
  3. When someone tells me to talk about myself I immediately forget everything that has ever happened in my life. (This post is a prime example)
  4. I have broken 16 bones in my lifetime!
  5. I have never been to a live concert before because it sounds too crowded with strangers.
  6. I have two dogs named Rue and Gizmo.
  7. My one friend and I walk twenty-four seven (it seems) and make up funny and weird books that we should write.

I Nominate:

  1. the girl who reads too much
  2. the terror of knowing
  3. read by umbreen
  4. adventures of a bibliophile
  5. emma the book lover
  6. books at dawn
  7. book adventures
  8. the quirky book nerd
  9. the bohemian bookworm
  10. reading every night
  11. Nightjar’s jar of books
  12. bookception21
  13. geek apprentice
  14. pajama reader
  15. ssj timelord and her books


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